some aggressive people like to be aggressive in bed, some dont. Some submissive people like to be submissive in bed, some dont. you cant really predict something like that until you actually ask them, or have sex with them.Is it true that male acting lesbians are aggressive lovers with their partners? Just Curious.?
Firstly you sound very young and naive.
A male acting lesbian? do you mean a butch, or a female to male transguy?
And to answer your question, the answer is mostly no.
Aggression has nothing to do with being butch. Butch is masculine appearing and/or acting. So therefore, someone who is butch looking may or may not be aggressive in bed, or anywhere else. And another yahoo member who posted earlier was also correct- some women who are quite femme looking/acting can be aggressive, with male or female partners.
no, thats just another stereotype
Now don't be hatin Going! But yea, they act like they dress...agressive, IN YO FACE........IF u know what i means
Not necessarily, it's hard to just generalize about a whole group of people.
well if you asked Freud, he might say they are fixated on the anal part of their childhood development. Just look at's pretty obvious they've got 'issues'.
what are you asking? read the ? twice what is this are you asking guys like lesbians?
You've obviously never heard the saying '; Butch in the streets, Femme in the sheets';, which is also a stereotype
I see many female acting women being aggressive with their husbands.
dont listen to myths, but listen to the truth. whoever told you this, probably saw only one lesbian couple in their life and they already think that all male acting lesbians are aggressive. you need to learn and research to see the truth.
no hats a stupid generalization. how can you say that about a whole group of people???
first male acting lesbian? dude never say that i dont act like a guy i am who i am and im comfortable with the way i look and i never want to be compared with i ******* guy like that i aint acting like nobody
second im aggressive but im also submissive lol im both not every bodies the same way. i have got femme friends who are very aggressive and some are submissive and same with my butch friends some are both it dont matter and plz dont stereotype.
**** i got straight friends who are girls who dominate there boyfriends man its funny.
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