Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true that women who masturbate face down have trouble with sexual pleasure from a partner later?

I read at site called healthy strokes, that women get TMS Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome from masturbating while lying face down. That they will have trouble getting pleasure from a partner later. It sounds like a crock to me.

Are there any women in here who can deny or confirm his claim?

I am asking in here because there is a better chance of getting an answer from a woman and not a 13 yo.Is it true that women who masturbate face down have trouble with sexual pleasure from a partner later?
Okay, first of all, Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome is NOT a medical and NOT a psychological diagnosis. It's a purely theoretical, hypothetical, syndrome. Secondly, this theory is directed towards MALES, not females. The logic goes like this. One variant of the theory is that, if a male masturbates downward, he puts too much pressure on his penis. Thus any sexual intercourse later in life could not compare to the pressure on his own body weight on his penis. The other variant of the theory is that, if a male masturbates downward, it creates sexual shame, since that is not the way most men masturbate. Then sex becomes stigmatized, and he either cannot climax because he is not used to the positioning or if he is in the correct position with a woman then he feels too much shame related to sex. This theory has a lot to do with the male ego. Obviously why this theory hasn't been more hypothesized about women. Clearly this all sounds very sketchy. It's just hypothetical, not medical or psychological, as of yet. Personally I think that if a man or woman is masturbating downward it indicates that either they have simply explored/experienced it that way first so feel inclined towards it (because really who pulls you aside and tells you how you are *supposed* to masturbate?) or that they could have pre-existing issues related to self esteem, body image, sex, sexual trauma, etc. I.E. masturbating downward doesn't cause sex issues, it is a sign of pre-existing sex issues, a.k.a. attempting to hide their own sexual acts as much as possible. Personally I think this TMS stuff is bunk. It's not a diagnosis. Even theoretically, there's little evidence and cases to back it up.Is it true that women who masturbate face down have trouble with sexual pleasure from a partner later?
Been a hundred years since I was 13, or rather it feels that way.

I have never heard of such a thing and I work in a doctors office so when I read your question I called doc. He has only heard of it, never had a patient that has experienced it. It is real just unlikely to happen to most women.
I'm not a woman, but I can tell you that it sounds a lot like my ex-wife. I don't think she got Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome (I don't even know if there is such a thing) from masturbating face down, but she did have some traumatic things happen to her and she masturbated face down and had trouble getting off with me. It wasn't just me, she told me she always had that problem.
Yes and If a Guy masturbates standing up all the time then he will STMS Standing Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome and will only be able to have sex while standing. Yes it is a crock you are very correct.
I don't know what kind of sites you are visiting...I'd stop. There is no such thing as TMS. As far as women masturbating...good for them, it often helps them develop a sense of comfort and self. This allows them to have more orgasms and to reach orgasm faster.
Who came up with that crap? Sounds like someone is just ';making up'; a response to the fact that they couldn't get a woman ';off'; so they had to look for a reason other than themselves?
I'm not a teenager anymore, haven't been for years.

They like to put a label on everything, don't they?

I really doubt this is true.
You are right it is a crock.

Been there done that - and I do great otherwise. Sounds like this guy is indulging in some slippery slope logic.

BTW - way, way, way, way older than 13 yo
I've never masterbated face down.

I've never had any problems getting pleasure from a real person :0
Totally false. I've masturbated this way, and others, and have zero problem getting pleasure from my partner.

I'm only one woman, but I've been masturbating for over 30 years and have never had trouble with sexual pleasure from a partner.

It's bunk. Traumatic masturbatory syndrome? WTF?
That's hilarious! I personally have tried many positions and it hasn't affected me at all. A huge crock of BS!
I dont typically masterbate lying face down but I have. Sounds like BS to me, lol.
never heard of that insanity

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