Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that Obama will be the Gay Pride homecoming Queen this year. For giving Gay partners benefits.?

Could just be correct. I hear, he and Larry Sinclair have kissed and

made up. They Plan to be on the lead float together. The float will be

pulled by David Axlerod, wearing a little german highlands outfit. And

a good time will be had by all.Is it true that Obama will be the Gay Pride homecoming Queen this year. For giving Gay partners benefits.?
Nope. The gays are mad at him because even though he gave them a good set of health care benefits, he did not give them the world, which because of whom gays choose to have sex with, they feel they own everything and should be given it.

And if they don't get it, they piss and moan like Perez Hilton did when someone gave her opinion that wuss of an idiot asked for. Then they whine about not being accepted or tolerated when they display the worst in intolerance, violence, and lack of character.Is it true that Obama will be the Gay Pride homecoming Queen this year. For giving Gay partners benefits.?
Wow just another reason for our heavenly father GOD to destroy this place, its like Sodom and Gomorrah like in the word sodomize, going against GOD's law results in all kinds of bad thing, from weather, earthquakes floods, heatwaves etc.etc., and its all happening and its all in Revelations shameful indeed, glad I walk with JESUS!!

God bless ya
That's a stupid a** question. The gay community is angry because there being treated like 2nd class citizcens and the president is worknig to give the LGBT community the same rights as straight people.
No, actually I heard it will be Larry Craig. Instead of wearing a crown, he will be wearing a toilet seat. Tap, tap, tap.
Dang nag it. Everyone said it was going 2 be me.
wouldn;t be surprised but he will be there in some capacity.
Yes and his life partner Michael/michelle.~!
No for being the first black ghey non-American usurper from Kenya muslim POS.

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