I'll tell you, it really does not have to do with how many partners, you can have just one and get it.
The thing is there's an STD called HPV that may cause cervical cancer, of course if you have many partners you increase the chances of getting the virus. I believe you should give a look to the site I give you cause it's something every woman should know, this virus is way more common than we believe an extremelly dangerous for women.
As far as I know cancer will only come because of the virus, as far as I know there's n other link between number of partners, sex and cancer on women...I repeat as far as I know.
give a look to the site!Is it true that the more sex partners a girl has the more likely she is to get cancer?
No what your thinking of is a silly statistic someone made up to scare people from having sex. What they should actually say is having unprotected sex puts you at a higher risk of getting HPV which can cause cancer.
Yeah, from HPV. There's a vaccine for it now, so that part could be gone.
And STD's.
And pregnant.
And a bad reputation.
Not at all. Cancer is not a STD. In fact, you can have sex with a person who has cancer and still not have more of a risk then not having sex with them. So the answer to your question is: no.
Yes and high chances of STD, pregnancy and bad reputation as well
No. Certain strains of HPV put you at risk for developing cervical cancer (called high-risk..such as 16, 18). You need to use protection with each and every partner. HPV is spread through skin-skin contact, so a person can contract it sometimes even when using a condom. As far as developing cervical cancer is concerned, you need to go for regular PAP tests. Only your gyne can tell you how often that should be for you. For example, sometimes when you have the HPV virus, it's recommended that you go every 6 months. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer out there. So if you take good care of yourself, you can take steps to prevent it's progression. I'm not a doctor or nurse. The best person to ask would be your doctor.
that sounds like this one: Peanutbutter causes CANCER! (if you eat a pound a day for six years...)
no human being eats that much peanutbutter
sounds like bull to me
There is a STD called The Human Papilloma Viruses, Approximately 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead, in rare cases, to development of cervical cancer.
cervical cancer yes and i don't know why
She is more likely to get Human papillomaviruses which cause cervical cancers.
yes and no
Actually, I was just reading, not long ago, that the more oral sex partners you have, the higher the chance you'll get throat cancer. It read that if you've had more than 5 partners orally, you're 250% more likely to get throat cancer because of the HPV virus. It sucks I know (pun intended). :)
don't know but the more she has the more chance she has to get other diseases or to get pregnant!
There is nothing wrong with being a virgin when you get married!
i hope not
along with several other diseases
This is the first time I have heard anything like that. And given the technical leads, scientifically, to cancer, that could never have anything to do with it.
EDIT- now the thing about cervical cancer. That's definitely possible. HPV is so common these days.
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